How to Work With Time and Not Against It

Anita Shunbuli
5 min readNov 1, 2020

We all have about 1440 minutes in a day. How do you choose to spend it?

“Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.”

— William Penn

If you lose your money you can work hard to make it back. But when time is lost, it is something we cannot buy or bring back. Time is something we think we have a lot of, however, we really don’t.

Sometimes the whole day can be spent working and do not have the chance to focus on their personal life. While some enjoy their time to connect with their loved ones and they have appeared to master the skill of time management.

In the past month, I have been exploring new ways to come to an astounding conclusion, which had helped me in controlling the time spent and increasing the amount of productivity.

Photo by Morgan Housel on Unsplash
Credit: Morgan Housel

The Meaning of Time Management in Today’s World

Time management can be defined as a way of organizing, planning, and analyzing your day’s routine to result in increasing your productivity. The secrets and main ideas of time management that I will cover can be learned and mastered by anyone when you allow yourself to be fully aware of yourself.

I am still working on the art and skill of time management. I have always procrastinated and have been addicted to social media which has taken the majority of my time, daily. However, I do not want you to duplicate the same situation.

Credit: Vera Ivanova

How Does Time Management Benefits You?

Time management helps you in achieving your goals whether it is long-term or short-term, by strategizing a specific path for your vision. You will be able to have your work done more effectively which will give you time to focus on other aspects of your life — such as health, mental health, family/friends, and relaxation.

The benefits that you can receive from time management:

  • Stress Free — You would be avoiding feeling stressed out when you have done the things you needed to. Not worrying whether your assignment or project have to get done.
  • Ability to realize goals — Individuals who practice time management are able to differentiate their objectives and other things to do, in a shorter length of time.
  • Enhances your decision-making ability — You will be able to know the difference of what tasks have to be prioritized first.
  • Improves your self-discipline — Time management skills if practiced can stop the amount of procrastination. You will have the ability to remove temptations, like social media or watching movies.
Credit: Website

“If you look for perfection, you’ll never be content.”
Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina

There is something you may hear of called ‘The Perfectionist's Dilemma.’ In simple words, this is when a perfectionist waits to release something perfect, but never actually releases anything at all.

Don't worry about being perfect, rather put your focus into progress.

Ways to Effectively Manage Your Precious Time

1. Clean Space, Clear mind

Surpisingly the way that your environment looks and feels is effecting the productivity and can distract you. Go somewhere you know people will not be constantly barging in and have your devices on silent mode or in another room. Clear up your space before starting your tasks, you will not get distracted mid way doing your task and will increase your productivity.

Credit: Minh Pham

2. What is in Your Way of Productivty?

Take as many minutes you want to reflect on what are youdoing now that will not help you in the future, as a person or your accomplishing your goal. Now ask why am I doing them? Cut out all the useless activities and things you are doing that is setting you back in productivity and success.

3. Set Goals Accurately

Set goals specific to you that are achievable and measurable. One method you can use is called the SMART/ Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely method.

4. Prioritize Work Wisely and Plan

Tasks should be prioritized based on importance and urgency. Plan out what you are going to do to stay organized so you don’t get lost. Use a to-do list, have an agenda or journal, another way to organize your tasks is using Google Calender. Look at your daily tasks and determine which are:

  • Important and urgent: do these tasks straight away
  • Important but not so urgent: decide when to do these tasks
  • Urgent but not important: assign these tasks if you can
  • Not urgent or important: set these aside for later
Credit: Still Classics

5. Set a time limit to complete the task/Time Blocking

Setting the time limits for yourself will increase the productivity and you would be more focused. Not having a deadline for your task or goal will allow your brain to think that you have inifinate amount of time and that you will do it later(procrastination). Therfore things will never get done before you need them too. What I like to say,

“If you don’t grind. You don’t shine!”

6. Take Breaks/Treat Yourslef For Your Hardwork

When you take breaks do not take hour long breaks or say your done for the day. Instead take short and frequent breaks in between your tasks. For instance, you can take a quick nap, go for a walk, or do a mini workout, etc. Make sure you are setting a reward for yourself at the end of a 30 minute study time with eating your favourite snack, something like that.

“Taking a pause to relax while doing your work is essential because it gives your brain the chance to rest and recover, leading to boosts in everything from your productivity to your happiness.” —a paper done by Elizabeth Y. at the University of Chicago.

^it’s scientifically proven :0

Credit: Robert Bye

7. Done>Perfect

As I mentioned early it is almost impossible to be perfect. So do not go wasting your time in perfecting one thing. It is better to get things done and see the progress instead of perfect everysingle task.

If you are sitting there reading this and have something ready to be published, but are waiting for it to be perfect, close your eyes, press enter and launch it. DO IT!!

It’s not as bad as you think it is.

Finally, now that you have learned the secrets to managing your time that creates value. Use these tips if you want to benefit yourself. Remember TIME is money!



Anita Shunbuli

A 17y/o who loves to explore new topics and wants to change the world!